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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

More from the mouth of my babe ...

Instead of excuse me she says "scooby" (scuse me) - 28 months

Instead of button she says "butt". For example, "Mommy my bellybutt is right here" - 28 months

Instead of tickle tickle she says "kickle kickle" - 28 months

Instead of move she says "moos" - 28 months

She really is good at communicating. As of Sunday she was 29 months old. She knows how to count to 14, she knows 12 shapes, all of the basic colors, she can almost sing the alphabet and we are working on left and right as well as spelling her name. She loves to learn and frequently throws new phrases at me (and in the right context). Her new one today was "I'll be right back".
This was followed by a tantrum (I took away her bathroom stool because she uses it to get to other things in the house that she cannot reach). She screamed in a way only a 2 1/2 year old can and said, "Mommy, go to your room!"
I dont know if my laughing hysterically helped the situation or made her angrier.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How is it that we are already a week into March? Even though I said that I wouldn't lay in bed at night and think about how I haven't posted on my blog ... I DO! I am trying to remember the cute and sassy things that are said to me by the two year old that rules my world. There are many and at this point I don't remember all of the dates but I want to at least remember her age and what she said. Here are a few of her best!

*Gina had gotten a purple pen and written on herself while I was washing dishes. I told her that it was very naughty for her to write on her self and when I walked toward her to take the pen and clean her up, she jumped and ran down the hall. I followed her and it took a few minutes for me to find her hiding under our bed. I laid down on the floor and looked at her. I asked her why she was hiding under the bed. She said, "It's complicated". That's it. That is all she said. She came out and we cleaned her up. (I think she was about 27 months)

*When I catch Gina doing something that she knows she shouldn't be doing ... she grabs my face between her hands and says, "Mama, you are my angel". It is really difficult to punish her after that. (This started at about 28 months)

*When she needs to go potty she says "I am stinky!". (age 29 months)

*She was scared because the power went out and she asked if she could talk to her "nother Ma-maw in Iaho (Idaho)". (29 months)

*When looking in the crayon box as we are coloring pictures ... "Mommy its a rainbow!" (age 28 months)

*I was in a hurry and put her shoe on the wrong foot and she said, "Mommy, that is my left foot!" (age 29 months)

*I was crying about something sad and she said, "Mama, watta matter? You cwying? I yuv you dont cwy." (29 months)

*She randomly pretends to cry and if I don't respond she says, "Mama, Gina cwying, watta matter?" (28 months)

*She refers to herself in the third person. Gina needs a sippy cup. Gina sad. Gina wants a cookie. Gina wants fwench fwies. (28 months)

*She also fake coughs and says, "Mama, is Gina okay?" (28 months)

*She looks at the picture of Jesus in her bedroom and says, "He goes to nurswee." (nursery)
(29 months)

Anyway, that is what I can think of right now. There will most assuredly be more to come as she is just getting warmed up with this talking business!