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Friday, January 21, 2011

I really thought this would be easier!

I set up this blog with great plans to keep track of the cute things my daughter says as well as her milestones. I really had this idea that I would be able to just dash off a few lines everyday and document her life. I am hard core about not wanting this to become something stressful. I don't want this to be one more thing I think about when I am laying in bed at night and cant sleep. So, here I go, not in any particular order.

We are potty training!!!!!
I had a crippling fear of this necessary step and Regina could smell my fear like a wild animal. Of course it doesn't help that she is extremely stubborn. We have started the process two other times and it wasn't working out. She was probably still a little to young and being a novice, I didn't recognize the signs.

Attempt number 1:
Getting her to just SIT on the potty was the first insurmountable task. She wasn't interested in a small version so we got a seat to put on the big toilet. We would get really excited and say, "that's my big girl!", every time she would sit on it for ten seconds. We also let her see us sit on the potty to help her get the hang of it. One day when she just wasn't feeling the need to cooperate, I sat on the potty and told her "Mommy sits on the potty"! She then clapped her hands and said "that's my big girl". It is good to know that she has me trained!
Attempt number 2:
After a lot of reading and asking other mothers with successfully trained children I decided to try the no diaper all day approach. She would wear a diaper at night but when she woke up we would immediately take her to the potty and she would wear panties all day. I was determined this was going to work. Regina was determined that she wasn't ready. She would sit on the potty and sit and sit and sit... but not go. As soon as we took her off of the potty and put her panties on her - she would pee. I know I am the only mother in the whole world that has dealt with a child peeing on their feet. Again, after a week we decided she just wasn't ready and we backed off.
Attempt number 3:
More research. More investigating. More planning. Ok! This time it will work! I will be calm and patient and consistent and masterfully train my daughter to use the toilet! We combined a few ideas and marched into battle. Again we would have her wear only panties all day. This time I would take a time when I could be home with her as much as possible and just concentrate on the potty. I would set a timer and take her to sit on the potty every 15 to 20 minutes. I would give her a small toy to play with as she sat on the toilet. I would read her favorite book to her as an enticement to stay there. AND ... we armed ourselves with tootsie rolls. My daughter at two years old, already has an Achilles heel. It warms my heart to know that it is chocolate! We started out the week with all of us sick and on antibiotics but I was not going to let that slow me down. We woke up and put her on the potty and waited and waited and waited .... no potty. We put panties on her and forged ahead with the plan. Day one ... nothing. Day two ... nope. Day three ... notta. Day four ... HELP! Day five ... HOW DO OTHER WOMEN DO THIS? Day six ... they make diapers in adult sizes - right? And on the seventh day ... she created water! We sat her on the potty in our usual routine and I began to read Peter Rabbit for the thousandth time when I heard that glorious sound! My sweet girl looked at me with surprise on her face and said, "Mommy! I made water!"

We are doing very well with staying dry these days. Even during naps! She has only told us she had to go once but that will come in time. I am now plotting my course of action to take this to the next step. We have already had some messy accidents but I will spare the details. Since I have already given detail about my daughter's habits where peeing is concerned, I think I will leave out the parts about her pooping and just let you know the outcome of that battle when it is over!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

This is for all the women out there ...

Question: Why are we (women) insane? I think we have this innate need to be over-burdened. Today I have baked cookies, washed laundry, washed dishes, chased a two year old with an ear infection, made dinner for my husband on his break from work and any number of other things. Its a normal day other than the fact that I have the mother of all head colds; fever, cant hear, can barely talk. Would the laundry have still been piled up tomorrow, or the day after? Of course. And the cookies? Perhaps I thought the ingredients were going to magically disappear from my cupboard over night? I could definitely have gotten away with taking care of the kiddo and feeding my husband and checking in sick on the rest of my "To-Do" list. In the midst of dinner I realized I was thinking about how much I accomplished and how it made me feel like a good wife and mother to have gotten all of this done. Almost in the same inner breath, I realized how truly sick I was. Not physically ill but sick in the head to think that this was what was expected of me. Honestly, my husband didnt expect anything but dinner. My daughter just wants milk and a dry diaper. Maybe its time to rethink our priorities. It was such a small thing but the impetus for a whole train of thought about what my priorities are. It also brought to mind a conversation with my little Gina. This morning she emptied every box, every basket and every bucket of toys in her room. I sat down in her room and asked her if she could help me pick up all of the toys. Her response, "In a minute Mommy". Where had she learned such a phrase? Of course it was me. How many times have I said that to her? More importantly, how many times was it necessary to put her off for a "minute"? I know that I will think about all of these things as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep in spite of the coughing and sneezing. I pray that I will find a way to do more than just think about the important things in my life.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In the Beginning ....

So I have finally decided to blog. Life is interesting so it will be good writing practice. Maybe this will be a good way for me to keep track of the milestones in our lives. So much has happened just in the last 10 years! I think I will work on a brief synopsis of that time to catch everyone up to today. It might make some of the current posts make more sense. On the other hand my current posts may not make any sense to anyone but me.